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Trying to make a decision?

The questions are very similar but they should evoke some different responses to help you make a decision and look at the bigger picture on a situation. What would happen if I did _________ What would happen if I didn’t _________… Continue Reading →

Elegant media enriched story – Snow Fall {inspiration}

Really neat as well as elegantly designed media enriched story over on the New York Times site: http://www.nytimes.com/projects/2012/snow-fall/ https://youtube.com/watch?v=6Y3JfYeqKqU


FlightElectronic crop circlesLooking at cities as they go by, constellations on the earth   top 2 photos: flight from Lexington to Chicago in the morning on the way to Curacao. I’m not sure what cities I was looking at at the… Continue Reading →

Storm’s a brewing –
cloudy sunset in Kentucky

It’s been very windy here. Nothing like the coast with Hurricane Sandy I’m sure but we’re getting gusts in the 40mph range and it looks like it might snow tonight.

Random thought: Diving

I just suddenly realized something: diving (from a diving board) is like gymnastics with less impact on your body. I wouldn’t have tried to do a handspring with a messed up / healing back but I was diving into a… Continue Reading →

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